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The bling module can be used to pull in small “bling” into your image. Bling is stuff that doesn’t necessitate being configured at build time, in the form of configuration files or program installers.

The bling to pull in is declared under install:, and the code for installing them is all in simple named scripts under the installers/ directory. The basic code for the bling module is very similar to the code of the script module.

Submodule documentation

flatpaksync (unmaintained)

The flatpaksync submodule can be used to synchronize a list of user Flatpaks with a git repository.

Once the submodule is activated, you should create the file $HOME/.config/flatpaksync/env that sets the GIT_REPO variable to the git URL of your repository. This repository can be empty, or a previous flatpaksync installation. The repository is automatically cloned into /tmp/sync for the synchronization.

Terminal window

To initialize your Flatpaks from flatpaksync, simply run the flatpakcheckout command to perform the installation and start the synchronization.

It is important to note that this submodule will NOT enable Flathub. If your applications come from there, you will need to enable Flathub before running it.

If you have configured the repository in the $HOME/.config/flatpaksync/env file but already have the Flatpaks installed, simply create the $HOME/.config/flatpaks.user.installed file to inform the script that the installation is done and start the synchronization.


The dconf-update-service submodule creates a systemd unit to automatically update changes you make to dconf in your custom image. For an example of a dconf keyfile, see the dconf custom defaults documentation.

Unlike the gschema-overrides module, dconf keyfiles are not checked at compile time

Example configuration

type: bling
# - ublue-update #
# - 1password # install 1Password (stable) and `op` CLI tool
# - dconf-update-service # a service unit that updates the dconf db on boot
# - gnome-vrr # enables gnome-vrr for your image
# - laptop # installs TLP and configures your system for laptop usage
# - flatpaksync # allows synchronization of user-installed flatpaks, see separate documentation section